IQ : The Great Illusion
maddening, "she said by telephone. "Maddening, this frantic race to IQ tests! This is a moment that many psychologists are alarmed and call for a start. But it is difficult to fight against the zeitgeist. Yet what scam! What a horrible underlying ideology and, most importantly, what harm for some children! "
Doctor of Psychology, author of numerous books and renowned psychologist, Claire Meljac was too used to review and consider the words of others to does not measure its own. So when she speaks of "catastrophe", she denounces "the business of intelligence", she is concerned about the "deification of the gifted" and sign it without reservation text-petition entitled "Psychologists wonder about the IQ and some of its uses," we urge the existence of a unease among psychologists specializing in childhood. And an anxiety disorder that raises much discussion about the school, performance and overinvestment in the family, and society in the child.
past few years, says psychologist in his Paris office of the unit of child psychopathology and adolescent hospital Sainte-Anne, specialized clinics for children are bombarded with requests for a new type that could be summarized as follows: "Quick, an IQ!"
Parents rushed to the psychologist in order to test the intelligence of their child, usually school failure, confident - and that's the novelty - it's actually a gifted child, that his "surdon" says he feels deep trouble at school or perhaps his insubordination , and a certificate with a high figure as a QI - "proof that he belongs to a superior race," quipped Claire Meljac - will better understand, appreciate it for its value and guide. Besides, says the psychologist, the restoration of narcissistic parents, spawning a dunce would become, by the grace of a figure, the parents of a little genius. Superb deal! The reason for this phenomenon? Programs TV on gifted children rescued in time to a school where they languished; emissions valuing the famous IQ; dozens of Internet sites, a few euros, to evaluate its own quota. , Or even the press people now including IQ in the measurements of the stars: Madonna 140, 153 Sharon Stone ...
"Alas," said Claire Meljac. If I come to find children very well endowed, it is far from the majority of cases! " Three quarters of the children tested belong to the category not expected, overstock wrongly hospital services already overwhelmed - the proportion of children consultant "surdon" rises in some clinics up to 50% - or hiding real problems that should be identified and treated. This can range from mild learning disabilities to profound autism.
further necessary that the parents intend to end the psychologist's diagnosis. And abandon the obsession of the famous IQ, intellectual and psychological evaluation that quantitative subject of a thousand misunderstandings and so simplistic. But mostly, it seems, do not want. Came to be confirmed donations intensely desired, they prefer to break the thermometer and seek a more sympathetic psychologist.
The task is not difficult, the market is huge. Psychologists - often linked to associations of parents of gifted children - agreed to conduct tests fast and inexpensive, even delete some tests (subtests) which could decrease the average IQ is that a note which, by Convention extends roughly between 55 and 145, less than 0.2% of individuals with a score above 145. So-called gifted students, provided with a score above 130, constituting only 2.2% of the population.
Psychologists National Education, teacher at the School of practicing psychologists and the University of Paris V, Robert Voyazopoulos noted, too, the influx of requests for tests, expressed by parents who, he says, have never invested so much in the child. But if the practitioner is looking forward to a renewed confidence in the psychological examination of the child, he is concerned about the misunderstanding on IQ, too often considered a measure as objective as height and weight, so that it is, he insists, a "professional convenience.
In 1905, the Ministry of Education commissioned Alfred Binet, who was interested in child development, to find a way detect impaired children, unable to follow the traditional school curriculum, mandated by the laws of Jules Ferry, for which he would arrange an appropriate education. Binet, assisted by the physician Theodore Simon, then built the beginnings of what would later become the mental tests, including introducing a distinction between the mental age of a child (determined by its ability to understand or accomplish tasks successfully completed by most subjects of age group) and his biological age.
The idea was an immediate huge success, particularly in North America, where it underwent However, eugenics and race (blacks and demeaning selecting immigrants) and deeply unequal.
Hence a long mistrust in many countries, increased in France by the anti-selective dynamics of May 68 and the legacy of psychoanalysis. But the evaluation tests of intelligence have evolved, grew rich, sophisticated, taking greater account of the different types of intelligence while strengthening their scientific basis.
"This is a valuable tool, says Robert Voyazopoulos. Language, behavior, thought processes, memory ... A discipline can not be based solely on listening and observation of the subject. It must seek the maximum of objectification through measurement tools and reference designs. Even on the IQ data is the least subjective and random or ... provided they are interpreted and understood in a psychological context overall. Delivering as is a naked figure to parents or institutions, is both absurd, dangerous and meaningless. "
A cue then, but not a gross value. An index, but with a margin of error. A point starting hypotheses and investigations. This is to remind these elements, and assert that IQ is "neither inevitable nor a destiny," Robert Voyazopoulos and other practitioners have written a text that more than 600 professionals have already signed.
Christine Arbisio part number. Psychologist and psychoanalyst, considers it appalling that psychologists entering the game of instant tests. "I found, she says, Misdiagnosis of drama! Based on a test she had missed and a very low IQ, a girl of ten years has almost been sent to an institution for handicapped children when he was a premature child who suffered just a visual impairment!
It also is wary of this movement that "enhances the intelligence as being hereditary and minimizes the influence of cultural background, which is nevertheless fundamental." But what the strikes, are the increasing demands of performance that affect children. Selecting from kindergarten on, pressure to succeed ... "We talk about the golden child? I see mostly children overstimulation, asked to gratify their narcissistic parents. The quest for the IQ is just one symptom of this crazy company performance."
Abolish it! suggested by Professor Emeritus Jacques Lautrey, Cognition and Development Laboratory at the Universite Rene Descartes. "It is too often a source of abuses, misunderstandings, rivalries and even damage to a school or a brotherhood." And most importantly, he says, "it has a view of the intelligence completely outdated scientifically. Fini, the use of a single figure to translate intelligence we know now multidimensional! Finished testing overemphasize the skills necessary for success of a school curriculum. Many other qualities, creativity, social intelligence, deserve recognition. Daring the real debate! "
Annick Cojean
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sprinkler Valve Richdel
Jean Broustra
Broustra Jean
rhizome (story) Jean
Broustra is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
Head of a sector where public psychiatry,
since 1978, he developed a multidisciplinary team workshops
therapeutic expression.
220 pages - 18 euros
Postage and packing included in EEC
Download an order form To order by mail
"The sigh is leaving us in limbo between a past that sometimes remembered and a future in which energy is unpredictable
... The rhizome, whether underground or sometimes air, is a polyphonic unlimited multilangagière whose expression also leaves traces of coalescence of nodes of water ...
Through the passage of the 20th century began in the '40s, interweave the son of childhood, adolescence, medicine, psychiatry, expression, surrealism, psychoanalysis, literature. Until the end of the line opens sigh that ends the century and tries to relay to the unpredictable. All
both chronic poetic journal, bushings, political and ethical commitments, the rhizome is woven by the author of a novel training. "
"The spirit of our time, head mechanics", 1919
Broustra Jean
rhizome (story) Jean
Broustra is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
Head of a sector where public psychiatry,
since 1978, he developed a multidisciplinary team workshops
therapeutic expression.
220 pages - 18 euros
Postage and packing included in EEC
Download an order form To order by mail
"The sigh is leaving us in limbo between a past that sometimes remembered and a future in which energy is unpredictable
... The rhizome, whether underground or sometimes air, is a polyphonic unlimited multilangagière whose expression also leaves traces of coalescence of nodes of water ...
Through the passage of the 20th century began in the '40s, interweave the son of childhood, adolescence, medicine, psychiatry, expression, surrealism, psychoanalysis, literature. Until the end of the line opens sigh that ends the century and tries to relay to the unpredictable. All
both chronic poetic journal, bushings, political and ethical commitments, the rhizome is woven by the author of a novel training. "
Broustra Jean, former head of the clinic of the University Bordeaux II, is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. It is department head of a public sector psychiatry, where since 1978 he has developed with a multidisciplinary team of speech therapy workshops.
He has published several books on the Expression and two novels. He is co-founder in 1975 of the Research Institute of Animation Expression (IRAE) and in 1984 the Association for the Development of Creative Expression Workshops (Adaec / Workshops Art Vintage).
Cover: DEB, according to Raoul Hausmann 
Friday, April 27, 2007
Symptoms Of Copd Exacerbation
a decline "left left"
This book comes at ... to further complicate the current political-intellectual card. If he goes to players supposedly left confused by the generalization of an ideology called a "neoconservative" including in their own camp, he does not spare the so-called radical left, slammed for his "movementism", that is to say his refusal to listen to what intellectuals close to her have him say.
journalist and essayist Didier Eribon, close to Pierre Bourdieu, was first designed this pamphlet as a tribute to the ultimate figure of intellectual commitment. It did not take at least some distance from the criticism that he launched all-out against the media in the late 1990s. Following the author of The Weight of the World, however, he regrets that the Socialists have chosen to reject the political creativity that welled up from the "May Revolution 68" for the past twenty years, will run each day a little more in the mold of a liberal discourse of the market forming the image of the course of history.
This shift, he notes the following recent sociological studies, resulting in part from the "professionalization" of politics. Parties, gradually transformed into coalitions of elected preform segmenting the demands of their constituents in order to give them an answer as technocratic as they themselves become. This gives the amazing spectacle of presidential candidates questioned the price of school meals or closing the neighborhood bistro. But it also raises doubts about the reality of the famous "participatory democracy" as it is displayed on the left.
But that is perhaps not essential. Didier Eribon, biographer of Michel Foucault, considers that this mutation in a decline would be incomprehensible without another phenomenon, this one located in the heads and the title, a conservative revolution ... is to suggest in their minds. At the turn of 1970-1980, a reaction would awake to disruptions caused by social criticism and emancipation movements. It would have been home for a group of academics who have worked tirelessly to acclimate to the left a backward thinking, formatted for neoliberalism itself as the same need. Are particularly targeted supporters of a current called "neo-Aronian," personified by Francois Furet in particular, Marcel Gauchet Pierre Rosanvallon, the Esprit and the defunct Saint-Simon Foundation, in addition to what the supposed home supporters the "return to order" religious or patriarchal, starting with psychoanalysts. This charge
Didier Eribon added to that of Perry Anderson Columbia (Thought warm, Seuil, 2005) or the French Francois Cusset (The Decade, La Découverte, 2006), who read the intellectual history of the last two decades as a long process of fading of the French thought converted by the loss of critical dimension, the idolatry of the State nation, the resigned acceptance of domination and the "turbo-capitalism" ...
In the world of Didier Eribon saturated, the place is rare for nuances. In fact, these pages are as vehement a Western intellectual where there are "good" (Foucault, Bourdieu, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari) and "bad" whose works are reactive or servile. A real scalp dance is conducted around the figure of Raymond Aron, without being taken into account the simple fact that liberalism is also a philosophical heritage and a political theory that it is not enough to declare the nullity to refute it. Unless falling into caricature.
Nicolas Weill
Article published in the 28/04/2007
This book comes at ... to further complicate the current political-intellectual card. If he goes to players supposedly left confused by the generalization of an ideology called a "neoconservative" including in their own camp, he does not spare the so-called radical left, slammed for his "movementism", that is to say his refusal to listen to what intellectuals close to her have him say.
journalist and essayist Didier Eribon, close to Pierre Bourdieu, was first designed this pamphlet as a tribute to the ultimate figure of intellectual commitment. It did not take at least some distance from the criticism that he launched all-out against the media in the late 1990s. Following the author of The Weight of the World, however, he regrets that the Socialists have chosen to reject the political creativity that welled up from the "May Revolution 68" for the past twenty years, will run each day a little more in the mold of a liberal discourse of the market forming the image of the course of history.
This shift, he notes the following recent sociological studies, resulting in part from the "professionalization" of politics. Parties, gradually transformed into coalitions of elected preform segmenting the demands of their constituents in order to give them an answer as technocratic as they themselves become. This gives the amazing spectacle of presidential candidates questioned the price of school meals or closing the neighborhood bistro. But it also raises doubts about the reality of the famous "participatory democracy" as it is displayed on the left.
But that is perhaps not essential. Didier Eribon, biographer of Michel Foucault, considers that this mutation in a decline would be incomprehensible without another phenomenon, this one located in the heads and the title, a conservative revolution ... is to suggest in their minds. At the turn of 1970-1980, a reaction would awake to disruptions caused by social criticism and emancipation movements. It would have been home for a group of academics who have worked tirelessly to acclimate to the left a backward thinking, formatted for neoliberalism itself as the same need. Are particularly targeted supporters of a current called "neo-Aronian," personified by Francois Furet in particular, Marcel Gauchet Pierre Rosanvallon, the Esprit and the defunct Saint-Simon Foundation, in addition to what the supposed home supporters the "return to order" religious or patriarchal, starting with psychoanalysts. This charge
Didier Eribon added to that of Perry Anderson Columbia (Thought warm, Seuil, 2005) or the French Francois Cusset (The Decade, La Découverte, 2006), who read the intellectual history of the last two decades as a long process of fading of the French thought converted by the loss of critical dimension, the idolatry of the State nation, the resigned acceptance of domination and the "turbo-capitalism" ...
In the world of Didier Eribon saturated, the place is rare for nuances. In fact, these pages are as vehement a Western intellectual where there are "good" (Foucault, Bourdieu, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari) and "bad" whose works are reactive or servile. A real scalp dance is conducted around the figure of Raymond Aron, without being taken into account the simple fact that liberalism is also a philosophical heritage and a political theory that it is not enough to declare the nullity to refute it. Unless falling into caricature.
Nicolas Weill
Article published in the 28/04/2007
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