with the survival of the journal keoactus & kheopsy
for my review
I must rely on only five subscribers to cover the minimum fee model and mailing
which means about 300 € I have no more than 134
but I could make you a bank transfer 100 € which I serve to meet the most pressing
then I new subscribers that would cover the cost of March ....( and pay you back, I count at least)
is this possible?
for now I have three articles and an article canada psy psy France
also a Belgian and mine so I can wrap an edition A5 paper Conquero, r Covre glaussy duplex and "buckle"
(this means ie stapled)
publications to boost me I count on your participation as a startup and I can send you one of my deluxe editions "fairness" here
references found on yahoo: Opening editions "Keo"
khéopsy (six numbers ) keoactus. ART (J. Danton) MEDICAL IMAGING. CREATIVITY (JF Doucet) ... is a dvd label "cine horizon" editor "zalys distribution" ...www.infos-des-medias.net/vernissage-des-editions-keo.php -
Varnishing editions "Keo" - Paperblog
A home that moves PSYCHOANALYSIS A STORE ... khéopsy (six issue) keoactus. ART (J. Danton) MEDICAL IMAGING. CREATIVITY (JF Doucet) ...www.paperblog.fr/952146/vernissage-des-editions-keo - Cached
Forum / Psychasoc - European Institute of Psychoanalysis and Social Work
Psychasoc, led by Joseph ROUZEL, psychoanalyst and teacher, puts at work ... subscription (excluding trade) of two bi-monthly magazine KEOACTUS & KHEOPSY ...www.psychasoc.com / ezphorum / phorum /? read, 2.19501, page = 4 -