Article posted on 10/12/10 The Jura libertarian.
Tarnac on 1 December 2010
We do not write you today to tell you about the dark maze procedure in which justice has focused enclose some of us, and we are still trying to get them out. We are writing from a perspective much more joyful what we have started to build for several years, the Millevaches.
If we installed a Tarnac, it's on to the old tradition of resisting authority Central People's Aid, Rural Communism who survived. Our idea was never there for us refuge, but otherwise we will band together to elaborate other social relations, making them more livable in the world reports that those who dominate and devastate the world precisely . We imagined
of Commons are divided cultures elementary and share during the holidays memorable harvested according to their needs, collective garages, trucks crisscrossing the stage to bring to those who can not move the required supplies, discussion Bar sharper than a college seminar, a dairy town that will provide all the milk at cost price, in short: any territory that overcomes gradually in the use of money, the police, the State.
The police offensive that struck us was, among other things, to destroy the experience begins to take root here, has cut the bonds that unite us and bind us to the other inhabitants of the plateau: to better isolate annihilate. Not only the operation has not proved successful, but she had the exact opposite effect. Solidarity that was expressed here has exceeded any reasonable expectation. Thanks to the support of so many unknown to the four corners of France and the world, thanks to your support so we have stood the test that we had to spray. This plateau it was clean of any dissent eventually attract as magnetically. As for us it did dip a little more than our determination, and we attach a little more firmly to achieve our initial perspectives. The bar - is always the groceries. Farm Goutailloux see his herd grow peacefully and common cultures. a popular assembly has even emerged on the board to intervene and support the latest movement against pension reform, and it occurred .
At present, we are launching in the installation of a sawmill and a wood shop to build a habitat low cost comes to restock the shelf. As of spring, we begin to transform the building's main Goutailloux large open space was organizing all sorts of meetings. And in the current 2012, we intend to purchase a building in the center of town and turn it into home care accessible to all. Now if we have stocks of energy and goodwill, we are missing € 35 OOO to complete the sawmill and wood workshop and 55 000 € to repair the main building of the farm. If we want to continue moving forward, we must reunite end of January € 90,000. For home care, which calls for additional € 90 000, we have more time. It is a paradox of the era that it is necessary money to develop ways to overcome money. Yet something tells us that this is not the state, which in the present circumstances, will support us in this worthy direction. is why we created a structure that allows all those who wish to support our approach to giving money and deduct two thirds of their donations from their taxes .
This structure is called "Friends of the Commune Tarnac. It is an endowment fund. It aims to collect and redistribute funds to initiatives for reinvigorating the plateau. We are writing to ask you to help us, within the limits of your possibilities, to continue our momentum and get to share a beautiful word meaning not derisory.
Des Amis de la Commune Tarnac
NB: This is an appeal for financial assistance because, in the reigning separation, giving money is often the best we can do to give evidence its attachment to something that exists What we do not have the opportunity to participate. It goes without saying that those who have the know-how, freedom, or simply the desire to help us from their hands by their direct participation are welcome. They know where to find us.
+ Also on the political blogs and Europe1
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