Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Age Of Empires Ii 2.0a Lan
G. Verstuyf,
team member help,
attached to the Association for Alcoholism and Other Addictions.
During the last decade, the use of cannabis as a narcotic turned into a significant social phenomenon across Europe, including Belgium. Now it is mainly at the youth culture that must be taken into account cannabis, despite its illegality, or perhaps precisely because of it.
In this article we will discuss the problem from a social perspective and health. To this end, we will use the results of studies ideologically neutral and well designed.
In 2001, 9% of the Flemish population aged 15 and over had already tested at least once cannabis.1 The recent use of cannabis was reported by 2% of the population 15 years and older. Users are primarily in the age group 15 to 34 years. Cannabis is used in all social classes. Experimental use is most common in older educated.
During the last decade, cannabis use has increased among students in secondary education (2). Over the past year, up 15% of students had fallen cannabis.3 However, the use has not increased for the 2000-2001 school year (3). The trend is part of a broader development: in most European countries, cannabis use has stabilized in recent years (4).
In cannabis, the active ingredient is THC. The drug is smoked or ingested.
Smoking is the most effective way to bring the THC to the brain. Cannabis is slowly eliminated from the body, the urine may still contain traces of a few weeks after consumption.
All parts of the plant Cannabis sativa, or Indian hemp, contain psychoactive cannabinoids. Concentrations much higher levels are found in the flowers of the female plant. The most active compound is D-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is fat soluble.
dried female flowers are known as marijuana (weed) resin squeezed from the plant called hash. From this, it also makes the hash oil.
The brain has two specific types of cannabinoid receptors, indicating that it exists in the body of endocannabinoids acting on these receptors.
Ways to
mode most effective use of cannabis is to smoke it. A few seconds after the first puff, the drug enters already in the brain and reaches the cannabinoid receptors.
Sometimes the cannabis is ingested, such as an ingredient of a space cake (cake with cannabis). THC is easily absorbed through the intestines but the process is slow and unpredictable. In addition, the bulk of the product is quickly degraded in the liver before reaching the circulation.
The most used cannabis: smoking a joint.
Elimination The elimination of THC from the body takes several days. Indeed, THC and certain fat-soluble metabolites are rapidly disappearing from circulation and concentrated in adipose tissue. The metabolites are excreted in the urine gradually and feces.
The period during which the THC is detectable can vary from five days when using single or very sporadic in several weeks if used quotidien.5 This finding is important in clinical practice: Because residues Cannabis / THC may persist for several weeks in the body, a positive urine test does not always give an accurate idea of using the substance at the time of sample collection.
The time in which we find traces of cannabis use varies greatly depending on the user's circumstances, the concentration of THC in cannabis and mode of use.
Cannabis is used because of its hallucinogenic action, with effects such as relaxation and cheerfulness. The drug causes a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate accelerates. Smoking cannabis is bad for the lungs.
effects and risks of cannabis use
effects most often reported by users are relaxation, gaiety (high) and the laughter, stimulation of appetite, slight dizziness ( stoned), an increase of sensory perception and a change of perception time.
In the following paragraphs, we give an overview of what the literature says about the effects and risks associated with cannabis use (6).
Accessories User's cannabis cigarette paper to roll a joint and a pipe
Heart and Lung
Cannabis use causes a decrease in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. Consequently, cannabis is not safe for people with heart problems.
Smoking cannabis causes the lungs a severe risk that probably increases with duration of use. The custom of mixing cannabis smoking increases this risk. Indeed, smoke cannabis and tobacco have virtually the same composition and they thus contain the same chemicals harmful to the lung tissue. After several years of regular use, we can already see changes in the airway tissue. To date, there is no convincing evidence of a possible causal link with asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema or lung cancer (7). The mixture of cannabis and tobacco causes a severe risk of seeing the user addicted to tobacco.
If cannabis is smoked with a hookah or a humidifier, the smoke is cooler and therefore less harmful to the lungs. However, given the smaller amount of THC absorbed, the subject will tend to consume more. Ultimately, he will inhale more tar.
Other organic effects
Cannabis use has an influence on fine motor skills and mobility. This effect is dose-dependent and can be stimulating or inhibiting.
THC interferes to some extent with the reproductive system. At Short-term cannabis use can cause a transient and reversible fertility. Pregnant women should not use cannabis, let alone in combination with tobacco.
In adults, studies have failed to demonstrate that cannabis use could cause permanent changes in brain structure. For teenagers, the reality is much less certain.
psychologically vulnerable patients, marijuana can accelerate the development of psychotic disorders. A relationship between cannabis and decreased motivation and performance, as well as depression and suicide. In vulnerable patients, cannabis can induce schizophrenia. Cannabis affects the short-term memory. There is no evidence in favor of a lasting impairment of memory.
Mental effects
As mentioned above, the use of cannabis leads to increased sensitivity to auditory and visual stimuli and a change in perception of time.
In some exceptional cases, the use (oral) of a large dose of cannabis can cause acute psychotic symptoms. They usually disappear by themselves after a few hours. Nothing indicates that cannabis use causes psychotic chronic.
By cons, cannabis can accelerate the development of psychotic disorders in people with a predisposition. Cannabis use can also accelerate the evolution of an existing psychotic disorder.
The decrease in motivation and benefits that are occasionally seen in heavy users of cannabis is a complex psychosocial phenomenon. This may not always be attributed to cannabis, the problem may be related to underlying depression or be part of a broader psychological dysfunction. A link between the problematic use of cannabis and depression and suicide. However, the mechanisms underlying this link are unknown.
cannabis induces schizophrenia-it?
Recently, both the general press in the scientific press have focused on a few longitudinal cohort studies, these studies argued that chronic cannabis use leading to schizophrenia. If the association between cannabis use and the onset of schizophrenia has been established, evidence of a causal link is lacking. It seems that in a population not vulnerable, cannabis use does not result in schizophrenia. Indeed, the incidence of schizophrenia is not increased, despite the endemic form that makes use of cannabis.
In people vulnerable cons, cannabis can trigger schizophrenia. It also increases the risk of recurrence in patients with schizophrenia. In addition, schizophrenic patients would switch more rapidly to cannabis.
Cognitive effects
Cannabis can affect memory in the short term. There is no scientific evidence that drinking significant affects memory permanently. Youth of school age, the deterioration of the short-term memory and other mental functions may lead to poorer school performance immediately after consumption. Among regular users of cannabis, poor school performance are often linked to other behavioral problems. Cannabis use does not cause severe disturbances of other cognitive functions.
Driving under the influence of cannabis is dangerous. The ability to perform complicated tasks is reduced for at least eight hours after a single dose. For safety, it is best not to drive or operate dangerous machinery for 24 hours after consumption. Measures should be even stricter for those whose profession requires absolute security, such as train drivers and bus drivers, etc.. Furthermore, alcohol increases the negative influence of cannabis on driving behavior.
The risk of physical and psychological dependence on cannabis is relatively low. Some groups become addicted faster than others; this is particularly true of young people under 16 who use cannabis every week. There is a clear relationship entrel'utilisation cannabis and that of other drugs. It is possible that cannabis acts as a gateway to other drugs.
Comparing cannabis with other drugs, it is found that the risk of physical and psychological dependence are limited. About 8% of adult users of cannabis and 15% of teenage consumers show signs of addiction. Epidemiological studies indicate that a minority of people with cannabis in the past continue to donate regularly and over a long period.
The risk of dependence is not identical for everyone, perhaps it is partially determined by genetics. In all cases, the risk of dependence increases as you consume larger amounts over a longer period and particularly more regularly. The very young people who start using cannabis become addicted faster. Use before the age of sixteen years increases the risk of dependence, especially when the young consumes cannabis at least once a week. In addition, the following groups are particularly susceptible: young men, the concurrent users of other stimulants, particularly tobacco and alcohol, and persons with a history of behavioral disorders, violence and other psychological problems.
When stopping consumption, few withdrawal symptoms such as loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, tension, sleep disturbance and depression. The reason is the long half-life of THC.
Path to other products
In the past, it was assumed that the pharmacological properties of cannabis induced a biological mechanism leading inevitably to the use of other illegal drugs more powerful. However, this hypothesis, known as the stepping-stone theory, is refuted long ago.
theory gateway (gateway) is more nuanced. It assumes that cannabis use puts users in touch with the world of illegal drugs, cannabis acts here as a gateway to other illegal drugs.
level support services, we see that this concept is the reality: cannabis can open the door to other drugs. The process is influenced by personal vulnerability, social pressure existing or abundance of supply.
Among users of cannabis are for support services, there are four main groups: the novice user, the user long-term users of cannabis as a medicine and polydrug users.
For each of these types of consumers, the approach is different. In all cases it is preferable to focus on the functions and the consequences of using rather than product.
Opportunities assistance in cases of problematic use of cannabis
In a high proportion of users of cannabis consumption is either experimental or integrated, therefore, consumption is consistent with a lifestyle acceptable to the user and to society. However, a relatively small group ends up appealing to teams of aid through various channels.
During the last decade, the number of people who started using cannabis has increased. In the future we can expect an increase proportional to the number of people who will require specialized assistance. Figures Vlis-VVBV (Vlaams Informatiesysteem van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Behandelingscentra Verslaafdenzorg) confirm that the number of help requests from users of cannabis showed an increasing trend since the nineties. However, we must guard against drawing hasty conclusions: people with problematic cannabis use lead in several different structures, for which we do not have similar data.
Based on experiences primarily from the outpatient practice, we can set different profiles users who come into contact with support services .6
The novice user. In the novice user, the request for help usually comes from family members, especially parents. The problems identified by them are tensions in the family, poor school performance and the exclusive contact with other users. For the consumer himself is responsible for the use of a positive connotation. The firm minimizes its potential problems. It consumes mostly with friends, hence the fact that consumption also has a social function.
User long term. If cannabis use has existed for several years, demand for help usually comes from the consumer himself. It is motivated by feelings of exhaustion, emptiness and loneliness, the patient suffers from insomnia, impaired concentration and memory and has a psychological dependence. Often, it consumes one and lives alone. Consumption persists because of psychological dependence. For the entourage, the main problems lie in social isolation, passivity and dependence of the consumer.
Selfmedication. People involved in support services described a group of patients using cannabis to manage their psychiatric symptoms. This practice complicates treatment because it negatively affects the pharmacological action of most prescription drugs and patient compliance. Psychotic patients, cannabis can trigger or exacerbate crises. The polydrug
. Generally, the consulted polydrug addiction for another. He does not consider the use of cannabis as a problem and wants to continue using this product.
General Approach support services
Caregivers argue for appropriate care the type of consumer, according to the profiles outlined above. Thus, young addicts feel attacked quickly, and with them, it is often difficult to talk about use and abuse. However, some changes seem to appear in recent years an increasing number of young people seeking information correctly and they are open to nuanced information, even if they are not positive. Among the group of older users, the use and abuse of cannabis are easier to address, and because it is perhaps in the fact that the request for assistance is usually the patient himself.
Anyway, it is unwise to focus solely on the product. It is better to consider the functions and consequences of cannabis use.
Early detection of cannabis use is primarily the responsibility of the first line. The urine test can confirm the consumption. We may use questionnaires for the diagnosis of addiction. Generally, no medication is required for withdrawal.
It is not uncommon for parents or asking the general partner of inducing the drop in consumption. Early detection of problem or not cannabis is especially evident from the first line.
As with other products, the user typically has a different conception of the risks and problems related to use than its surroundings and the caregiver. However, we must start from the idea that this difference in definition of the problem is not a cons-indication. Instead, it forms the basis of a methodical process of motivation. We know that motivation to change behavior takes place in stages, they are described in the model Prochaska and Di Clemente.8 To influence the motivation, we can introduce the principles of motivational interviewing in the consultation (9).
Early detection of cannabis use
Somatic complications related to cannabis use is relatively rare, it should rather look for clues in the psychosocial context. We will be attentive to behavioral changes, relational conflicts, failures in various fields, negative experiences may be a consequence of experimental use, etc.. If the patient recognizes the use during a meeting open and non-threatening, it can conduct a more extensive history of substance abuse.
Urine test
To support a suspicion of cannabis, we can do a urinalysis. To this end, there are screening tests similar to pregnancy tests. However, the most reliable results are obtained with a chromatographic test in the laboratory. Preferably, it will oversee the sample collection to prevent tampering. Ingestion of large amounts of water may particularly affect the result. For suspected dilution of urine, serum creatinine may be useful.
urinalysis does not say everything on consumption, it offers even less a solution. This is only a snapshot weakly provided information about the type of use and consumption patterns. The use of urinalysis must be in compliance and patient confidentiality. Otherwise, it undermines the potential for open communication about use.
Defining the issue of addiction
For diagnosis, we may use two screening tools: the CUDIT * (Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test) 10 for cannabis use and, for the problem of addiction in general, the Europ-ASI, which covers 7 areas of life different. In young
who score high on a test screening, one can use the CIDI (Comprehensive International Diagnostic Interview) to confirm or exclude a disorder of cannabis use and associated problems. CIDI allows for the systematic diagnosis by DSM-IV.10
In general, withdrawal does not require drugs unless the patient has symptoms such as agitation intensity, anxiety and psychotic breakdown. In cases of anxiety or agitation, may be prescribed diazepam (a) for a short period. In case of intense agitation or psychotic decompensation, it is better establish a brief treatment with neuroleptics, such as risperidone (b). In case of psychotic decompensation during outpatient treatment, hospitalization will be considered (11).
Besides substance abuse, we often find another mental disorder: psychosis, depression or anxiety for example. In all these disorders, it is advisable to stop or reduce the use of cannabis. Preferably, drug abuse and psychiatric disorder are treated simultaneously. Sometimes it is appropriate to refer the patient to a specialized center.
disorders associated
In the presence of a disorder related to cannabis use, the problem is often multiple. Therefore, it will often not sufficient to diagnose disorder of substance abuse. Other problems somatic, psychiatric and social complicate the clinical picture and make treatment difficult.
Ideally, the diagnosis of mental disorder is associated with raised after a period of abstinence from 3 to 4 weeks, in practice, however, such a delay is often not realistic. It is advisable to proceed with the history as complete as possible history of drug addiction, preferably, this history will be supplemented by urine and blood tests.
Treating comorbidity
Some recent reports suggest the latest evidence-based treatments and / or best practice of abuse and dependence substances, as well as psychiatric comorbidity (12-14).
When it comes to comorbidity, the two disorders (substance abuse and psychiatric disorder) are preferably treated simultaneously.
However, improvements of a disorder are not necessarily associated with improvements in another.
For the treatment of problematic cannabis use and psychosis (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), the Australian National Comorbidity Project has identified the following recommendations (14).
It is important to distinguish between an acute psychotic episode resulting from drug use, a first episode of psychotic disorder and an acute episode of an already diagnosed chronic psychotic disorder.
In the presence of an acute psychotic episode resulting from the use of drugs, curbing the consumption result in the disappearance of the episode. Sometimes, the use of antipsychotics or benzodiazepines is indicated for a few days.
In general, you should recommend to patients with psychotic disorders not to consume cannabis.
The ASC has also made some important recommendations about the treatment of depression, abuse or cannabis dependence.
Because of the sedative action of cannabis, it should be recommended for depressed patients to stop or reduce their consumption so that depressive symptoms can be better evaluated.
In association with cannabis, there is a risk - probably limited - that the SSRIs have side effects. Patients should be informed.
If SSRIs are administered while the patient consumes cannabis, it should inform the patient of symptoms of serotonin syndrome
Cannabis with a potential anxiogenic effect, it is advisable for people suffering from an anxiety disorder to stop or reduce their consumption so that symptoms can be better evaluated. Often, abstinence results in an overall decrease in anxiety symptoms.
When the patient uses cannabis as self medication, it is appropriate to offer him a drug therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy specifically focused on anxiety.
Help Centers
We have many support services for differentiated drug problem. However, few centers have an offer corresponding therapeutic specifically those who have a problem with cannabis.
In the specialized area, the most common treatment strategies are also those for which the literature offers more evidence of effectiveness: motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy and family support.
Some centers offer occasional group activities Youth whose entourage considers addiction problem. The group sessions take the form of a course or activity support. The aim is to encourage young people to think about consumption and risky behavior.
In addition, there are groups oriented towards the exchange between the parents. The aim of these groups is to give parents the feeling of having control over the situation. Currently, the supply of parent groups is much wider than that of groups for young people.
a. EG Diazepam, Diazepam Teva ratiopharm Diazepam, Valium
b. Risperdal
References 1. Bayingana K, Demarest S, Gisle L, et al Health through interviews, Belgium, 2004.
Brussels: Scientific Institute of Public Health, 2006.
2. Health Behaviour School-aged Children (HBSC). Ghent: Ghent University. URL: ~ cvereeck/hbsc/.3. Kinable H. Survey of Flemish students within a school drug policy. Synthesis Report 2004-2005 school year.
Association for Alcohol and Other Drug Problems: Brussels, 2005.
4. Hibell B et al The ESPAD Report 2003. Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among Students in 35 European Countries.
Stockholm: The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN) and the Pompidou Group at the Council of Europe, 2004.
5. Nuytinck G. Drug Testing. Theme evening Drug Line on May 27, 1999.
6. Kinable H. File cannabis. Brussel: VAD, 2004.
7. Rigter H. et al Cannabis: facts and figures 2003. Background Study National Drug Monitor. Utrecht: Bureau NDM, 2003.
8. Prochaska JO, Di Clemente C. Trans Theoretical therapy: Toward a more integrative model of change, 1982.
9. Miller W, Roll Nick S. Motivational Interviewing. New York / London: Guilford Press, 1989.
10. Rigter H. Cannabis: prevention and treatment in young people. Utrecht: Trimbos Institute, 2006.
11. Directive detox. Responsible detoxification in ambulatory or inpatient detoxification. Publication
released by order of the Netherlands within the Mental Health Project Scoring Results. Amersfoort, 2004.
12. JC van der Stel. Comorbidity: addiction and a mental disorder. ZonMW, Addiction Program, 2006.
13. Ling Ford Hughes AR, Welch S, Nutt DJ. British Association for Psychopharmacology. Evidence-based guidelines for the Pharmacological Management of substance abuse, addiction and comorbidity; recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol 18: 293-335.
14. National comorbidity project. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 2003.
Monday, May 21, 2007
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Saverio Tomasella, Psychoanalyst, Mouans-Sartoux (Cannes), France
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Dominique Cuny, Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Poissy, France
- cuny.html-
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Michel Andronicus, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Vouliagmeni, Greece
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
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He traveled through the imagination the vast remains of Santa Margherita Belice, with its three hundred rooms, three courtyards, four terraces, garden, his grand staircases, a theater and a church, its vestibules and corridors: he had crossed, child, like an enchanted forest, and he now revisited the places and objects. He did not need to wrap sense: it was enough to name them because the soul was still lurking in all objects stored in its memory.
Thanks to the memory of Francesco Orlando and Gioacchino Lanza, we have a vivid portrait of the old Lampedusa. It was also not so old. When these friends knew him, he was 56 years old, but he was plagued early and weighed down by life that he had not lived. He lived now at 28, via Butera, among the sediment and the relics of the past ; With his wife, finally. He left his home early in the morning, as if to free himself from any confinement. Big, fat, pale, like a general at rest or a huge cat, he crossed the center of Palermo, with a bag laden with books. He always carried with him a volume of Shakespeare and
The Pickwick Papers. He spent a lot of books in its meager resources, and lied to his wife by claiming to have bought these books used. He cultivated the discretion, irony and good manners. He was happy when his wife told him: "I love you like Stomersee."
If we were to describe it, we might mention one of its pages on Montaigne and Shakespeare:
"We find the same in both a-religiosity mixed with the same emotion to the religious feelings of others, even non universal compassion without a slight tinge of contempt, the same determination to dismantle the machinery of the human psyche, the same serene skepticism, which welcomes all opinions with an "if" ironically condescending. "At times it looked like a French moralist of the Grand Siècle, or a romantic disenchantment, or a worshiper of frenzied passions and revolutionary dilettante or a great historian. Soon, his young friends realized that behind his smiling face, the old prince was hiding intense anguish. In 1957, he wrote in his diary:
"At home in the evening, clear feeling of being exhausted. This will once again perhaps. But one time or another, this does not happen more. "he courted death, as Tancred said Fabrizio Salina in The Leopard
? Or death for him it was an experience that had
"pierced the bone marrow": a grief that was growing daily in his body and he could not to stay away?
(Translated from Italian by Brigitte Pérol.)
By calling themselves "the Monster" , young Lampedusa provides a key to understanding caustic reading his letters to his cousins Piccolo. This correspondence, long kept by recipients as a secret hard to publish, because of its tone very "happy few", and excesses of a coded humor reveals key aspects of the author of Cheetah
: observations Ironically, its Anglo-Saxon, its debt to Proust. Lampedusa was not the author as late previously thought. Writing during his travels in England, Paris, Switzerland, Germany, he describes a world still attached to an aristocratic tradition, parodying the style of English travelers of the eighteenth century and e announcing major political and cultural.
TRAVEL IN EUROPE Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Salvatore Silvano Nigro preface. Translated from Italian by Nathalie Castagne, Threshold, "Reflections", 224 p., 19 €.
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Hello, me great pleasure to announce the release of "On Pres fresh grass "a first novel, masterful, René Lambert, playwright multifaceted who in 2002 awarded the French Community Parliament for his" Faust "
You will find a presentation sheet attached, and the announcement of the presentation will be made by Jacques De Decker and Monique Dorsel Thursday, May 24 at 19h Theatre Poem (30 Scotland Street, 1060 Brussels - Int. and reservations: 02 538 63 58 - I sincerely hope to see you there! Rejane PEIGNY Editions LE GRAND MIRROR
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"Now these parcels of votes do not fall into our ears, they will lose further and disperse through the air, "these are the last words of the film by Frank Smith, while the screen is black, is heard. Like this last assertion, Wind, wind is driven by a paradoxical act: to show a word, the dig, from the lack. The images of the vastness of the Southern United States accompanying text by Emmanuel Hocquard, "Aer." But they are a mist that goes beyond the senses and can see beyond what we see. In humans, there is more than trace roads, cars, wind turbines ... The viewer is confronted with the density of a mineral nature, which acts as a magnet to the eye and thought.
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, Emmanuel Gras, the hammer blows that take land a dilapidated building create the resonance of the film. It is in Lebanon, signs attest. But soon, the combination of these with the theatricality of the scene concrete exceed the initial framework and lead to metaphysical poetry.
Finally, although very far from the shape of the two previous film by Nicolas Engel, plays an intrinsic difference between the perceived and seen. This overflow happens because the film is excited at the proper sense, that is to say that nobody speaks other than singing. He is a successful tribute to Jacques Demy's universe of stories sentimental individual eventually return to the common background of the tragedy of human existence.
François Bonenfant
Wind, wind
France/2006/33 '/ video
With the voice of Emmanuelle Riva. On
through, footage shot in Arizona and California, a text by Emmanuel Hocquard, "Aer" is said.
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Emmanuel Gras
France/2005/18 '/ video
Four men and a child on top of a building. Their job: to destroy it. Their tools: their arm.
The Yachts of Luxembourg
by Nicolas Engel
France/2006/24 '/ 35mm
With Nathan Rosselin, Rosena Horan, Manuel Vallade, Juliet Lawrence.
Yachts Jardins du Luxembourg: small boats propelled by wind, which cross, avoid each other and sometimes collide. The boat of Edith and her son Cesar meets that of a stranger, a man who is going to deviate from the path of their lives.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
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Friday, May 4, 2007
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The cons drama monologue?
International Symposium - University of Artois - Arras 12-13-14 March 2008
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---
Abstract The purpose of this symposium is to examine the components of the monologue through the centuries (from ancient to contemporary theater theater), to better understand both the challenges of a form (the monologue in drama and drama in monologue) but also to identify what perception of the character emerges from the individual speech, which compared to the other emerges and what role the viewer is given in this form of confrontation. The analysis will focus on French and foreign dramaturgy. Proposals focusing on young audiences are also welcome.
Announcement Call for Papers International Symposium
The cons drama monologue?
University of Artois, Arras, 12-13-14 March 2008
Coordinated by Françoise Petit-Heulot
Home Team "texts and cultures,"
axis "Praxis and aesthetics", University of Artois.
The monologue is often considered in critical reflection on the tragedy as a form default, a temptation that we must not succumb. Dialogue is the element of drama, the solid foundation of intersubjective conflict. The classical theory of the drama seen in part as a monologue temptation lyric or epic, we must avoid in the name of verisimilitude and purity generic. It is therefore disqualified, unless they are invested with specific duties to prepare, review or explanation of the dramatic action with dialogue. Yet the monologue is gradually, and especially from the late nineteenth century, more prominently in the drama. When the dialogues are emptying their contents dialogic characters locked into parallel monologues, which sometimes intersect in an almost arbitrary. The monologue contaminates intersubjective exchange and return each to his solitary rehashing of a past and a personal story. In contemporary drama, the character still tells and tells, but the lyrical dimension gnaws the epic and narrative crumbles. The drama continues but transformed, the word takes into account a structure musicalisée.
The other temptation monologue is driven by the internal tension that suggests the author, from the ancient theater and monologues from the Middle Ages to the modern plays. Word of a single casting that pours, polyphonic voice, the monologue is heard words supported by a single enunciation can be plural when it convenes other words past. This relationship to the other introduces a movement and preserves the dramatic dimension generated by the actual presence of the other-the public-or the simulation of presence (by a system of addresses). The action continues through the established control in speech. In part monologuées contemporary, this struggle is between self and other in itself. This duplication is a carrier of conflict tension. Faced with the revelation that may be provocative, the audience feels his place.
focus on French and foreign dramaturgy. Proposals focusing on young audiences are also welcome.
We offer the following ideas:
Historical Perspective:
- Characterization of monologues based on the types of dramatic arts (theater ancient to contemporary theater)
- Influence of other genres (novels, etc..), Other forms (interior monologue, etc.).
- The question of context: the monologue is there a particular place of experimentation, a place of circumvention prohibited, a site of contestation?
Components monologue:
- Study of epic, lyric and dramatic, their possible decomposition or their braiding system of echoes, repetition
- How the polyphonic system, identification of reported speech or confusion of voices. Didascalic voice.
- Effects choralité
- Sample script: movies, video (telescoping, discontinuity, etc..) Dance (solo), opera.
Square monologue in drama:
- Location of the monologue in drama (place, strategy and recurrence)
- Features the monologue (prologue, denouement)
- Role of stage directions in this joint
- Role objects
Methods receipt of the monologue:
- Address internal and external questioning of the border scene / room
- Effect of collusion, bringing into doubt, alienation, provocation
- relative to the body of the actor and his voice
study abstract categories:
- Space and time
- Character
The question of the drama is still a way to examine the scene today and find benchmarks for analyze heterogeneous forms. If the study of the dialogue has proved fruitful, especially in recent years, monologue that opens today from multiple perspectives.
Composition of the Scientific Committee:
- David Bradby, Professor, University of London Royal Holloway.
- Michael Corvin *, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Joseph Danan, Lecturer, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Françoise Dubor, Lecturer, University of Poitiers.
- Bernard Faivre, Professor, University Paris X Nanterre.
- Françoise Heulot-Petit, Professor, University of Artois.
- Jennifer Jolly, Senior Lecturer, University Marc Bloch - Strasbourg II
- Mireille Losco-Lena, Professor, Université Stendhal Grenoble III
- Claudine Nedelec, Professor, University of Artois.
- Irene Roy, Professor, Laval University, Quebec.
- Jean-Pierre Ryngaert, Professor, University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Jean-Pierre Sarrazac *, Professor, University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Triau Christopher, Lecturer, University of Paris VII Diderot.
*: Subject
- Proposals (1 page): October 15, 2007
- Opinion of the Scientific Committee: November 15 2007
Proposals for papers should be sent by email to: @ francoise.heulot
-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Key word
monologue, drama, epic, lyric
Arras (Pas-de-Calais) (University of Artois)
Deadline Monday, October 15, 2007
Francoise Petit
Heulot-mail: francoise [dot] Heulot (at) voila [dot] fr
Artois University Faculty of Arts and Letters
9, rue du Temple - BP 665 62030 ARRAS CEDEX
FRANCE Reference url
Artois University - Scientific news item
Francoise Petit
Heulot-mail: francoise [dot] Heulot (at) voila [dot] fr
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What is psychotherapy?
Charles Melman -
It seems to always offer to bring the application. In other words
your application would not know what she wants if she met
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It so happens that this is not the case in psychotherapy. Here is your
request, based on the firm belief that somewhere there is a wise
likely, the verb, to heal your psychic difficulty creating
other words, the status of psychotherapist is a consequence, that of a call
naive belief in the existence and power of this wise: it is this that the invocation
But what about his knowledge?
This is where the trouble starts. Because the notions of causality
mental suffering and ways to address them are, of course
, very numerous. And this plurality begins very early, in which Greek philosophy
It seems that there is now some 700
different methods of psychotherapy, but it is likely that careful consideration would
them together in a few major groups, based on specific ethical conceptions
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Alumni of "Liberation" create a new information site
A new information website will be launched Sunday, May 6, at 18 hours. His name: The Launch is scheduled just before the results of the second round of the presidential election - but "no results", says Pierre Haski, former deputy director of the writing of Liberation and cofounder of the site.
other four founding members are Pascal Riche, Laurent Mauriac, Arnaud Aubron, all former Liberation parties earlier this year under the plan of daily departures, and Michel Lévy-Provençal, multimedia engineer. work with professional journalists, experts, in the broadest sense possible, and "online community". Lack of resources, the site is fully volunteer, and writing has been installed in the apartment of Pierre Haski pending a true local. wants to "marry professional journalism and participatory culture of the Internet" and is located between the sites of traditional news and the blogosphere. "Our site meets the current thinking about marriage between journalists and fans and wants the laboratory of a new journalistic language media," said Pierre Haski.
Rue89 does not arise in competition with other news sites such as Yahoo, CNN, ... but "we will locate what you judge serving in the news in involving the three circles, journalists, experts and witnesses with a clear identification of who is who, "said Pierre Haski.
This free site, in testing until September, will be funded by advertising. He currently works with personal contributions. A fundraising from friends and family of the founders planned a second time. In the autumn, an appeal to outside investors should be launched. "Contacts have already been taken, "one of the founders.
With rue89 - chosen name" in reference to the universal values of the French Revolution, "according to Pierre Haski - the founders wanted to distinguish itself from traditional news sites remaining "totally independent". In a second phase, the site will create a "social networking" (social network), which will connect communities of users with similar interests ... Rue89 also aspires to be "a positive site," to counter criticisms of the media, often deemed too negative. A section on "acting out" and propose the implementation of solutions to real problems.
Today, the crisis of traditional media, the Internet is attracting more and more journalists. United States, site was launched in late January by two feathers from the Washington Post and Time reporter attached to the White House.
Pascale Santi
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With 5000 visitors a day, opening around 18,000 pages and 1,200 subscribers to the free weekly newsletter, the site is now firmly established in the landscape of Internet literature. Founded in 1996 by Francois Bon eclectic writer, specializing in Rabelais and the Rolling Stones, playwright and fiction, the site became for five years a group of writers with different sensibilities.
pages are a reflection of the journey of François Bon. Defender of creative literature, away from the worship of the bestselling business, he has become known among other things by his practice of writing workshops to the public culturally deprived: prisoners, young apprentices in the suburbs, long-term unemployed ... For him, literature is "act and ability to invent and to resist, the real story of this world we live in and that we share."
The journal is the pier to the virtual navigation. Traditionally, a drafting committee seeks input and selects the texts. Unlike some magazines published also on paper, that of stirring devices is exclusively online. "No number is exhausted. Texts published for several years are still accessible," says Dominique Dussidour, novelist (If it's hell he sees. In the Studio by Edvard Munch, Gallimard) and coordinator of the magazine. The links that we incorporate allow readers to have both the journal and the library of the magazine. "
For example, chronic Catherine Pomparat, writer and professor at the Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, form a weaving of writings and pictures, plus references to texts that were used as triggers: one click, you can access the texts of the philosopher Charles Fourier or history of the puppet Guignol.
In category of "short" short records also refer to more complete sources: the announcement Exilith of a show's director Thierry Bedard, offers a link to a rich record of the author, the novelist Iranian Reza Baraheni. "The Net allows us to complete the review of old items, adding the information, text or links," said Dominique Dussidour.
Dozens of contemporary writers are the subject of voluminous records. Samuel Beckett, Marguerite Duras, Claude Simon, Bernard-Marie Koltes and Georges Perec by side with other voices, Patrick Chamoiseau, Jacques Dupin, Leslie Kaplan, Antoine Volodin ... The
riddlers have developed audio and video. "We start with the launch of readings aloud that we organize every year, "said Laurent Grisel, another poet and coordinator of the review. For these writers emerge once a year from their screen. On June 26, they offer an evening playing live at the premises Paris Theatre Open.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
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Clément Rosset was born in 1939. He entered the Ecole Normale Superieure in 1961, professor of Philosophy in 1965. Taught in Montreal from 1965 to 1967, then in Nice until 1998. This site is a blog, comments are allowed and even desired.
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Psychoanalysis: search, invent, reinvent
Psychoanalysis would it reached its limit with a formalization that would base its exercise and its transmission? Freud assigned to each treatment two joint tasks, caring for and look; Lacan said that every analyst is forced to reinvent psychoanalysis. Ask
implements the unconscious in the treatment, with free association and evenly suspended attention, a singular method of investigation which directs research and spawning channels signifying the invention of the subject in his encounter with reality. Ask the unconscious requires that the analyst, by becoming involved with the desire of the analysand, a chance to look about and invent. Ask the unconscious determines an irreducible knowledge at the heart of knowledge: to invent and reinvent then become obligatory passage for the desire of the analyst and for his act. Search
, invent, reinvent are not unique to psychoanalytic field, but paradoxically, while these themes are paramount in Freud and Lacan, they were poorly recognized, and built little underdeveloped in the analytic literature. The contributions collected in this volume question the relevance and timeliness; psychoanalysts and researchers ask how, as now, the practice of therapy and theory building in psychoanalysis impose a method, a subjective position, a style of research and invention that specify, in relation other disciplines, analytic praxis of theory. This book is
approaches to research and invention at the heart and foundation of psychoanalysis, he tries to show why they remain the subject and the condition of the practice of psychoanalysis, its transmission, and training psychoanalyst.
Books by the same author:
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# A history of Lacan: surrealism Found A Place
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The spawning and tracking
# The invention of the Borromean
# The invention of true epiphany
# Learning to invent? Check
# #
unprecedented desire Reinventing the blind-that-knows the password
# # The researcher
BIOGRAPHY Jean Francois
Editor Jean Francois, psychoanalyst and member of the School of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
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Writing Workshop - Paris 15e
writing about Proust
26/27 May 2007
Marcel Proust's writing was, for many writers of modernity, a moment of startling revelation. It extracts from texts of the research that we are invited to write, both on the memory of sensation, time, production of the characters. We will begin work on "paperole" interpolations and inserts in the current writing, and try to enter this means that the subtle voice that runs throughout his novels.
As usual a writing workshop, the work is done around proposals intended to bring writing and perhaps find desire and pleasure. When texts are written, they are read and discussed in a spirit of working and caring, beyond criticism and judgments. It is indeed workshop, ie to get to work on writing the text!
So anyone feeling any desire to write may participate in a writing workshop.
It is not necessary to know the author to participate in one of these workshops. It may be there during the discovery of a particular literary work, serving as a hook to the outbreak of writing.
This weekend is for anyone concerned with writing and wanting to explore the options from the texts of the author. The weekend about the writing of Nathalie Sarraute is open to all. The
WE take place in Paris in the 15th arrondissement, M ° La Motte-Piquet Grenelle. 10 rue
Alasseur - ROC.

The writing workshop, like the artist's studio is a place to foment the creation.
During these weekend work and the proposals are centered around the writing, research and discoveries of an author in order to bring out the questions he has answered his particular way, that the you can hear the particular grain of her voice, she speaks and moves, and where it leads us to write more precisely in this confrontation, our own voice, far from pastiche and unnecessary school "in the way of ".
Other courses and dates on the site
- Emmanuel
Bing in Paris:
ROC. - Right
10 rue Alasseur
75015 Paris
January 1964 57 July 1975
in Brie:
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