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cons drama monologue?

The cons drama monologue?

International Symposium - University of Artois - Arras 12-13-14 March 2008

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Abstract The purpose of this symposium is to examine the components of the monologue through the centuries (from ancient to contemporary theater theater), to better understand both the challenges of a form (the monologue in drama and drama in monologue) but also to identify what perception of the character emerges from the individual speech, which compared to the other emerges and what role the viewer is given in this form of confrontation. The analysis will focus on French and foreign dramaturgy. Proposals focusing on young audiences are also welcome.

Announcement Call for Papers International Symposium

The cons drama monologue?
University of Artois, Arras, 12-13-14 March 2008
Coordinated by Françoise Petit-Heulot
Home Team "texts and cultures,"
axis "Praxis and aesthetics", University of Artois.

The monologue is often considered in critical reflection on the tragedy as a form default, a temptation that we must not succumb. Dialogue is the element of drama, the solid foundation of intersubjective conflict. The classical theory of the drama seen in part as a monologue temptation lyric or epic, we must avoid in the name of verisimilitude and purity generic. It is therefore disqualified, unless they are invested with specific duties to prepare, review or explanation of the dramatic action with dialogue. Yet the monologue is gradually, and especially from the late nineteenth century, more prominently in the drama. When the dialogues are emptying their contents dialogic characters locked into parallel monologues, which sometimes intersect in an almost arbitrary. The monologue contaminates intersubjective exchange and return each to his solitary rehashing of a past and a personal story. In contemporary drama, the character still tells and tells, but the lyrical dimension gnaws the epic and narrative crumbles. The drama continues but transformed, the word takes into account a structure musicalisée.

The other temptation monologue is driven by the internal tension that suggests the author, from the ancient theater and monologues from the Middle Ages to the modern plays. Word of a single casting that pours, polyphonic voice, the monologue is heard words supported by a single enunciation can be plural when it convenes other words past. This relationship to the other introduces a movement and preserves the dramatic dimension generated by the actual presence of the other-the public-or the simulation of presence (by a system of addresses). The action continues through the established control in speech. In part monologuées contemporary, this struggle is between self and other in itself. This duplication is a carrier of conflict tension. Faced with the revelation that may be provocative, the audience feels his place. The purpose of this symposium is to examine the components of the monologue through the centuries (from ancient to contemporary theater theater), to better understand both the challenges of a form (the monologue in drama and drama in the monologue) but also to identify what perception of the character emerges from the individual speech, which compared to the other takes shape and what place is given to the viewer in the form of confrontation. The analysis will
focus on French and foreign dramaturgy. Proposals focusing on young audiences are also welcome.

We offer the following ideas:

Historical Perspective:
- Characterization of monologues based on the types of dramatic arts (theater ancient to contemporary theater)
- Influence of other genres (novels, etc..), Other forms (interior monologue, etc.).
- The question of context: the monologue is there a particular place of experimentation, a place of circumvention prohibited, a site of contestation?

Components monologue:
- Study of epic, lyric and dramatic, their possible decomposition or their braiding system of echoes, repetition
- How the polyphonic system, identification of reported speech or confusion of voices. Didascalic voice.
- Effects choralité
- Sample script: movies, video (telescoping, discontinuity, etc..) Dance (solo), opera.

Square monologue in drama:
- Location of the monologue in drama (place, strategy and recurrence)
- Features the monologue (prologue, denouement)
- Role of stage directions in this joint
- Role objects

Methods receipt of the monologue:
- Address internal and external questioning of the border scene / room
- Effect of collusion, bringing into doubt, alienation, provocation
- relative to the body of the actor and his voice

study abstract categories:
- Space and time
- Character

The question of the drama is still a way to examine the scene today and find benchmarks for analyze heterogeneous forms. If the study of the dialogue has proved fruitful, especially in recent years, monologue that opens today from multiple perspectives.

Composition of the Scientific Committee:
- David Bradby, Professor, University of London Royal Holloway.
- Michael Corvin *, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Joseph Danan, Lecturer, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Françoise Dubor, Lecturer, University of Poitiers.
- Bernard Faivre, Professor, University Paris X Nanterre.
- Françoise Heulot-Petit, Professor, University of Artois.
- Jennifer Jolly, Senior Lecturer, University Marc Bloch - Strasbourg II
- Mireille Losco-Lena, Professor, Université Stendhal Grenoble III
- Claudine Nedelec, Professor, University of Artois.
- Irene Roy, Professor, Laval University, Quebec.
- Jean-Pierre Ryngaert, Professor, University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Jean-Pierre Sarrazac *, Professor, University Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle.
- Triau Christopher, Lecturer, University of Paris VII Diderot.
*: Subject

- Proposals (1 page): October 15, 2007
- Opinion of the Scientific Committee: November 15 2007

Proposals for papers should be sent by email to: @ francoise.heulot

-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Key word

monologue, drama, epic, lyric

Arras (Pas-de-Calais) (University of Artois)

Deadline Monday, October 15, 2007
Francoise Petit
Heulot-mail: francoise [dot] Heulot (at) voila [dot] fr

Artois University Faculty of Arts and Letters
9, rue du Temple - BP 665 62030 ARRAS CEDEX

FRANCE Reference url
Artois University - Scientific news item
Francoise Petit
Heulot-mail: francoise [dot] Heulot (at) voila [dot] fr


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