These approaches to understand the design of architectural space according to the vision of those who have left evidence of architecture, through the history of mankind. This, according to two approaches: the traditional and the modern.
architecture Once understood, it should go back in history to explore and identify its origins in his footsteps. Again, we see that the traditional approach to understanding the history is different from the modern.
For the modern approach, the actual historical period dates back to 6th century BCE. Well beyond this "historic barrier" to the dawn of humanity, Ibn Khaldun offers nomadism and sedentary . For him, physical inactivity is the cause of urbanization.
monuments and architectural sites and urban planning are not always to the glory of mankind, they are often the work of kings systems and "deified" tyrannies sacred generally opposed to the prophets and thinkers of the time.
is a historical phenomenon found in most periods from prehistory to the Renaissance
The architecture is a reflection of civilization, which leads us to determine the notion of civilization .
It is obvious to say that there is no single definition of architecture. However, the traditional approach has a collective and communal. While the modern approach presents a multitude proposed by architects.
1 - Some definitions of architecture
There is no objective view of things in art in which each artist captures the shape and color according to his temperament. For architecture, this finding illustrates the side subjective work. The architect, by his conduct affects various fields.
design "modern" allows multiple definitions, but specific to each architect.
Bruno Taut, upon exposure to unknown architects in Berlin in 1919 says: "Architecture means to us: the invention of pleasing shapes useful for construction ..."
For Le Corbusier: "Architecture is, with raw materials, establish emotional relationships ... The Passion is a drama of inanimate things."
Ricardo PORRO: "Architecture is the creation of a poetic action man."
GROPIUS wrote in 1919: "What is architecture? It is the expression of crystal noblest thoughts of man, his intimate aspirations, his humanity, his faith , religion ... "
Hölderlin says "poetry is to transmute the world in words." In architecture, it is to transmute the world we live in architectural space.
To Regarding the Muslim world, Islamic architecture - Al Bouniane - is designing a framework that respects the strict doctrinal guidance for the action of man and his community. Only it is necessary to address the notion of Al Omran which determines the overall framework for the design of Al Bouniane which is one of its main components.
Al Bouniane can be defined as: "action to produce a space that is likely to facilitate and enable social practice according to legal guidelines and worship. This is a case where the meaning is consistent with the aspirations of men and their space needs as part of a doctrinal vision.
2 - space in architecture, form and content
The interpreter basic architecture is the space. The space changes when its components change. The form of architecture is space.
The form and content are inseparable. The form is part of the The work of art and sensitive content, is that the design expresses the shape. It is in the form that carries the content. They form a totality.
3 - Five aspects of the content
a. The immediate content
The contents are now in a building where its program, its functionality expressed in the form, it is "immediate" because it is closest to the content, the easiest to capture.
b. Tradition
Some deviations of language reflect a kind of degeneration of corresponding ideas. The name "tradition" does not correspond to what is purely human. To truly revitalize
Tradition is the soul of civilization. This is the leitmotif par excellence for universal knowledge like the principles themselves.
When we talk of tradition in architecture, we are not talking about folklore: he is one of the largest of its contents. The tradition goes away when the local culture weakens and ceases to refer to them.
It does not necessarily remain static: it provides, as it has always done, saving elements that should become the seeds of the future world. That authenticity dynamic looming on the horizon of our immediate future.
c. Persuasion
The "persuasion" is when the architecture tries to convince the spectator-witness of any action.
Another form of persuasion exists when attempting architecture, using all the expressive means to convince the witness to any idea.
d. The superimposed image
architecture can play with abstract or concrete representations. There are two possible forms of superimposed images of architecture: the symbol and the figurative image.
symbol in art is the effort of the artist to find a representation of something that is abstract. For example, the number 4 attached to the square and cube, suggests the idea of universality.
For it is true, the symbol must be an absolute logic. A symbol can mean many things at once and perform several reading levels: by their very structure, the symbols are polyvalent. Is its range of meanings that shape the message of the symbol.
Having great importance in all ancient civilizations, the point-center is at the root of all Islamic art and Bouniane al.
The figurative image
The figuration recalls directly in form something concrete. The figurative image for a goal of enhancing media content.
e. Media content
media content would be in architectural work, expression of the historic moment when it happens. None of the three aspects of the content in the architecture is a condition for its existence, the only ones who would be a sine qua non is the tradition and media content.
A work architecture seeks to become a powerful image of a collective experience, a significant expression of this idea. It becomes a true work of art a witness to the "extreme situation" of those who conceived: contemporaneity.
The dynamism, the expression of technology and vitalism , as themes of this, have continuity.
Since the industrial revolution a general line appears: the disappearance of any principled purpose and the amount of development resources.
is the triumph of a sedentary lifestyle where time, transformed into matter, is quantified and is at the service industry. It is an accentuated design and exclusive inactivity.
Two aspects of dynamism expressed since the 19th century in the West: the exact framework for the movement of witness / spectator and the expression of movement, but freed from the viewer. This framework is used where time is the adaptation of man to machine and its adherence to industry.
expression technology
Since the expression of machine or technology, this theme is changing too, may be involved in dynamic or 3rd theme below.
This theme is the human tendency to assert itself as a living being.
artistic movements develop in reaction against the machine, along with current "scientific" which looks at the life and efforts in psychology: can we materialize the immaterial (soul) by psychoanalysis ?
Lines expressive media content often intermingle and it is sometimes difficult to define the limits of each .
(To be continued)
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