Tribune published in Gerard Coupat Liberation March 2, 2011.
Dear Michele, Yvette Marie-Therese Alliot-Marie
What happens to you is unfair. Nothing is worse than falling for a foul that one can not recognize. For what have you done else in this tour of Tunisia, that have always been what all your classmates? And if it makes you expiate the shame this time too visible foreign policy of France, what will we do with your past infamy, so much more noticeable?
I was born the same year you, in Algeria, a military father and worker. I like a good idea, I think that was the Gaullist after 1945. From there I was repatriated in the Southwest. Could not be ignored while in the Southwest, what the clan Mary. Then, like so many others in my generation, once off the breath emancipator of 68, I made my career without worrying about politics, leaving it, stupidly, to people like you. I say "stupidly" because Tarnac with the case, I finally admitted that if you do not worry about policy, politics, her take care of you. Finally, the sociology alone is not sufficient to explain my ultimate bad luck to live in Rueil-Malmaison, barony which your companion Ollier inherited the hands of Jacques Baumel, "Gaullist history." It says to place "where I speak," as it was in 68.
You now blame your compromise with a dictator of Tunisia. What dishonesty! Which African dictator or Maghreb has not been one day or another, provide the services of France? Who can claim ignorance of the historical collusion between the French and nearly all autocracies wormy from the colonial empire? It is believed that Claude Gueant associates have more honorable than you? And who can ignore that for fifty years, money from arms sales or the Dassault uses various ways to finance the Gaullist networks? The existence of Mr. Foccart is still not a recent discovery. And if Charles Pasqua smile today, why should you hate, if not under a dark misogyny?
If you sacrifice it in a way to save the great blindness of French post-war blindness about the nature of Gaullism. Gaullism was a curious synthesis of Maurras and Machiavelli, and nothing else. Who were the "historical Gaullists? People who applied in time of "peace" covert techniques, illegalities they had learned in the Resistance. Veterans of the hood. Activists orphans of the action. Of Petain Vichy disappointed but still fond of great men. Passionate about the conspiracy. In 1959, when the brothers Bromberger write the 13 plots on 13 May, they are ultimately heroic that De Gaulle took power and founded the Fifth Republic e in favor of a genuine coup. The coup of May 13, is the title of a book of Colonel Trinquier bitter.
In the 1940s, Jacques Baumel busy finance the Rally of French People (RPF). The stewards of the RPF, mainly composed of militarized thugs, is the ancestor of civic service (SAC). SAC killers were always alongside your grandad when he was campaigning in Biarritz for legislative or municipal elections. Your companion Ollier Baumel succeeded as mayor of Rueil-Malmaison. About you, you honor the heirs of the SAC, which became the Freedom Movement initiative (MIL), your participation in their conventions. The circle is complete. In February 2009, you were making a speech entitled "French and always be proud of."
When I read it, I seem to hear Raymond Marcellin. As it asked the SAC after 68, to help break the leftist, you ask the MIL "create from the public rejection of these groups" order "isolate and fight against those who attack the state " because "we are at a time when the ultra-left would undermine the authority and state power." In line hallucinated Raymond Marcellin, which supported the right-wing factions to recruit thugs, you have taken as a spokesman of the Ministry of Interior of an old West, Gerard Gachet, which is was conveniently destroy the plug RG. They are far from uncommon for the elders of these factions in the current majority. Similarly, for three years to deal with terrorism threw me a half-century back to Algeria, where terrorism meant the Red Hand these thugs who blew up bombs to cause the casbah "Muslims".
I wanted to tell you I find it particularly unfair that you make this complaint to lie, because lying, since I'm listening, you never stopped doing. You went to the radio report, the case turned, you never treated people Tarnac of "terrorists" , it was an invention of journalists. It is true that you were the Minister of Interior when you have been arrested by counterterrorism police.
In the Assembly, you responded to a member of vivid terms, regretting "abjection trying to use my parents for you to take me and attack me politically." I share your emotion, I who have been used in every possible way to attack my son and political attacks. To find what is indecent to see "spend his life, both public and private, comb end " as you're complaint recently, we who are tapped for three years and who were able to feel directional microphones of the DCRI as their spinning techniques, we agree: it's very unpleasant. It would also be happy to stop. Public money is certainly better uses.
To be honest, seeing all these old dictators fall, and you see the track in their fall, I just hope that you are not the only one to disappear. We are tired of seeing the past forty years the same faces and names play the same game chairs Music at the head of state while the social suffering is growing year by year. By attacking people Tarnac, you made me desirable that the insurgency coming, you offered me a real political consciousness. You can be thanked. Now I know the difference between men or women, power and what Hannah Arendt called a "political life".
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