Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Plausibility Of The Curse Of Macbeth

From the Renaissance to the industrial era


Since 1750, the revolution i ndustrial is present in England and in mind in France where the thought of the Enlightenment rationalist paves the way for the advent of the machine.

It is customary to call the split between the Middle Ages and modern times Renaissance and Reformation . Renaissance and the Reformation are mostly fractures resulting antecedent history of the West (times of Constantine and the Church's role in the Middle Ages).

The Western world has inherited from previous civilizations. Precursor of the present world situation, it will provide humanity of its factors of modern civilization and reflection resulting in architectural and urban space.

Some reasons rooted in the West have led modern man to perceive science as being opposed to religion. J. Hexclay in his book "Man in the contemporary world" expresses this competition and enmity.

This kind of civilization has separated two natural tendencies rooted, complementary and providing mutual assistance to one another: the tendency of devotion and of knowledge . The man finds himself torn between these two natural and innate tendencies and needs upon them, thereby depriving him of one he aspires to another.


1 - The break with the tradition of the Middle Ages

The real starting point of modernism is the beginning of the disintegration of the "Christianity" and feudalism. This is the beginning of the formation of nationalities and colonialism.

Renaissance is an outcome made possible by the decay prior to consumption the final break with the traditional spirit in the field of arts and sciences and also in religion.

characteristics of philosophy and science are new :

  • denial of revelation;
  • the divorce of science and faith;
  • empirical study and record of facts;
  • disperse in an indefinite multitude of details;
  • accumulation of unfounded assumptions;
  • fragmentary views leading to practical applications.

2 - Correction history

aspects of the contribution to the development of other civilizations Science and culture in general show the need to change a deeply distorted historical perspective and has made the Middle Ages a parenthesis between the Greco-Roman culture and that of the Renaissance .

The influence of Muslim civilization exerted on the West through translations into Latin Muslim works, held in Toledo and Sicily, to send to universities in the West .

3 - The popularization of knowledge

teaching the faith and unity of nature is no longer the basis of knowledge. European universities are all created with two or three centuries of shifting.

The basic inspiration of traditional science is a concept of knowledge which is not the science of archeology "modern".

4 - Humanism

The HUMANISM of Renaissance reduces all knowledge to merely human proportions, and excluded any principles of higher order. Humanism is an early form of what will become the contemporary secularism.

Descartes's work remains the nature of his own life. Animals are for Descartes than machines. For his heir TO THE , man in turn becomes a machine. DARWIN, in his "Descent of Man", will integrate the system of human nature, product, like all other animal species, natural selection.

In view of "modernity " Western ways have become an end. "Science" that is to say an organization means, separated from a meditation on the ends, it becomes even a purpose.


The opposition that exists today between the ancient crafts and modern industry is an application of two points of qualitative and quantitative respectively dominant in some and in the other.

1 - Mutation trades

The trades included in the Middle Ages in Western art and nature were truly qualitative. The modern in their concept of art, qualify, and stripped of all practical, activity luxury.

In any civilization traditional sciences, arts and crafts are a ritual character. Since the Renaissance , architecture was cut off from the important issues of his time.

During the preindustrial situation met the architect alone all the skills, but must now take account of the division of tasks and specializations established techniques in the modern world.

2 - Role of the Architect

is the birth of the profession, the architect of the Renaissance is part of the intellectual elite . The most important aspect of the changing role of the architect is the emergence of this division of labor and intellectual equipment which is a sign of modern times.

The architect of the Renaissance was responsible for realizing the power in the city by designing a new spatial model. It is the ideologue of power. It is primarily a theoretician.

3 - theorists and architects architectural space

For men of the early Renaissance, the space exists as an objective reality outside of human activity.

The construction of the geometric space with architecture was developed in three phases:

  • First, by designing buildings to abstract geometries;
  • then, by linking the buildings together according to geometrical rules;
  • finally, the management of urban space.

In this context of enthusiasm about new scientific discoveries are denied everything that is irrational, "which could be left to the arbitrary". Architects design entire cities, pure expressions of their performance space.

4 - architecture of the 17th and 18th century

In individual nations in training, the role of the architect depended on the different religious authorities, or feudal princely / royal and relations. Traditional models are being transformed into national models. The architecture of the 17th and 18th century Europe, the Baroque architecture.

Baroque architecture, is a plural phenomenon whose boundaries are on one side Renaissance, the other neo-classicism which began to appear in the second half of the 18th century.

5 - The Baroque in Italy

In Italy, the Baroque space can be understood only in reference to the ongoing consolidation of the theorists of the Renaissance architectural vocabulary.

Being born in Italy, the Baroque space has its origin in the works of masters of the Renaissance .

There were processing the command at a command strictly religious or politico-religious policy. Architects take the urban space itself as a raw material of work.

Baroque architects have gradually removed all existing architectural elements of the code.

Used for themselves, the forms became isolated and used to formally thank you after the novelty of the architect. This is the beginning of formalism in architecture, the notion of aesthetic dates from this period. The Baroque architects have destroyed the spatial structure in general.

In the Rococo period, the space is more amorphous than background on which we expose a jumble of objects. The emphasis on the form of pictorial or sculptural objects. Neo-classicism is not far.

6 - From the Renaissance to 1750 in France

The spatial coherence and geometric Italian Renaissance has crossed the Alps than two centuries later.

The space that has really changed under the influence of political power.

The new king's power is reflected at the city by the appearance of a new type:

  • Place Royale , at the countries through the development of new towns;
  • and colonial architecture, at continents.


Since what we call the Renaissance , human history is no longer only a portion 'itself, the West, ignoring any component and standardizing non-Western.

Three concepts emerge:

  • design of nature, considered as our "property" which we would have the right "to use and abuse";
  • design human relations based on individualism;
  • design the future, which is merely the continuation and growth of this quantity.

architecture which is a phenomenon due to both coordination and synthesis, is dissociated into its elements as a result of upheavals in the second half of the 18th century.

In 1750 we can see form among some architects, first the idea, some operations and then finally some characteristics of modern architectural space.


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