Saturday, February 26, 2011

Age Of Empires 1 No Cd Multiplayer

CHAN-2011: Tunisia win the trophy

selection Tunisian A 'soccer won the African Nations Championship 2011 (CHAN-2011) in outperforming its Angolan counterpart 3-0 in the final played Friday at the stage of El-Merreikh Oumdorman (Sudan). Tunisians and follow the winners of the competition in the DR Congo that they had also beaten in the quarterfinals on the smallest margins (1-0). The meeting, led by South African excellent referee Daniel Bennett has not reached the heights between two teams that appeared petrified by the stakes and away from their usual form, Tunisians and Angolans who played 120 minutes in the semi- finals. The Angolans, who had managed to equalize in the 93rd minute against Tunisia in the group stage, have failed this time to repeat the blow, sinking in the second period against an opponent more determined and better organized on the field.



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