Thursday, February 17, 2011

Store Brand Contact Solution Vs. Name Brand

Bruno has been released!

Lu on Indymedia Paris


Bruno was released Friday, Feb. 11 after six weeks of detention and he was placed under judicial supervision (not to leave the national territory of make contact with others under investigation, pointing obligation once a month and get to spip). He was arrested Dec. 20, 2010 in Paris, after evading his probation in July 2008. He was first arrested in January 2008 when he was in possession of a craft smoke and nails and twisted his way to a demonstration outside the detention center in Vincennes. He had then been 4 ½ months of preventive detention.

Ivan, accused of the same facts, is, meanwhile, still detained in prison Fresnes.

For more info on this case:

In addition, a week of solidarity and struggle around different themes ( immigration, maghreb, repression, etc. ..) is organized:

Freedom for all! Solidarity is a weapon!


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