A first call text was posted on Indymedia Paris February 9.
Another text [reproduced below] appeared on Indymedia Nantes February 11.
A leaflet with the site updated this week solidarity and struggle is available here .
Week of Solidarity and struggle: another text
of 12,13 and 20 to 27 February 2011 in Paris ... like everywhere.
It often seems to live in a world where nothing changes. On the one hand the rich continue to fatten themselves shamelessly on our skin, and another state strengthens its growing control over our lives: police occupation of neighborhoods, video, filing, requisition Prefectural strikers, multiplication of security laws, deportation of undocumented immigrants and Roma, hunting vendors, incarceration and psychiatrization growing whole sections of the population ...
However, in this vast social prison where we try to survive ente shit jobs, social benefits to firefighters and scraped illegalities of poverty, sometimes the lid blows. This example was the case during the riots inflamed parts of the suburbs in November 2005, during demonstrations or wild in spring 2006 against the CPE. And that could sometimes occur from blockages throughout the country during the last movement cons pensions.
power in vain attempt to squeeze ever more screws and belts, revolt is always ready to explode unexpectedly and often out of control.
In June 2008 the prison for foreign Vincennes Crame after several months of fighting. By making just a demonstration of solidarity, Ivan and Bruno were arrested in January 2008 and jailed for smoke and bent nails. They are more than four months in prison prior to evade judicial review, and make the trunk. Last December, Bruno was taken by dogs in uniform. In February, it was the turn of Ivan. These two friends are now in prison, plus a charge of "criminal association with terrorist aims"!
The trial of 10 undocumented immigrants charged with the fire from the center of Vincennes looming in January 2010, many initiatives of solidarity multiply against the deportation machine in several cities (tags, discussion, banners , protests, sabotage, occupations ...). The state now wants to reintroduce the bill a portion of those who participated in this fight: after a couple of searches last year and a dozen indictments, Olivier and Dan are in jail since January. Yet we know that no punishment can not stop the fight. If any were needed, the mutinies in detention centers in Bobigny and Vincennes in the fall of 2010, or the opposition of some thirty passengers on Air France flight to the expulsion of undocumented Paper mid-January 2011 show.
We will continue our solidarity with the revolt of the undesirable driven out of paradise Western merchant, as we continue to fight for a world without a country or borders.
Just up here, too, explodes revolt against intolerable living conditions: whether the incessant riots in Algeria, or uprising underway in Egypt, after the course in Tunisia. Some even talk about it already as a revolution, so that nothing or very little has really changed yet. Patterns continue to operate at a low price in their prisons industrial, tourist and port, the state remains in place with just a facade less authoritarian, the opposition is trying to retrieve the setting to share the cake. "So, change everything so that nothing changes? Even under a "democratic", we see every day here that the state nevertheless assassin, the brutal exploitation and poverty rule.
For what little is known collectively seize it, a possibility still remains open: organize without leaders or mediation (without parties or unions, not religious or military), to finally change everything ... for freedom disproportionate.
Because in the end, it is always and everywhere the same blackmail. It would kill themselves at work or unemployed die for nothing. In the vast flow of goods in circulation, which we all belong, then those few who manage to escape. Faced with the FCA or job center, a boss or a temporary employment agency, we are stuck in the same movement that combines the massification and atomization of each galley, condemning us to a survivor you never see the end. If we feel that our situation can only worsen, many are doing already in daily to sabotage or block rates, divert or wigs the sacrosanct production tool, multiply absenteeism or poor workmanship.
So, as there really is not much to lose, let us finally turn our lives away from wage slavery and slave begging!
We therefore call for a week of struggle and solidarity, rather than from repression and its characteristics, continues to spread and struggles to defend the ideas that the state seeks to break For example those against detention centers and deportation machine, but also solidarity with the rebels on both sides of the Mediterranean. If we propose a collective framework during that week, it is not so far to resolve differences of each other behind yet another "common front against". We would rather that their consideration for each share and confront, and launched various initiatives to respond to each other in an anti-authoritarian perspective: a world without borders or incarcerations without states or exploitation, refusing any mediation, to get rid of domination, whether "democratic" or not.
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