Released on World with a title cut, 24 February 2011.
"Spring of the Arab peoples," "revolution march" , "democratic transition" , "end of the dictatorship" . The large machines are discursive output. It must nevertheless be present to achieve the overthrow of the pro-Western regimes in the Maghreb as new victories of the West, and the unexpected triumph of its values.
The revolutionary fever that has recently gripped the more conservative columnists testament first to intense immune reaction to what Event cornered the dominant discourse. It responds with a violent fit of Orientalism to the need, as quickly as possible between us and the changes in progress, a solid cordon. One marvels at these "revolutions" to better dodge the evidence they throw us in the face to better dissolve the disorder they create in us.
Should they be precious illusions that this is well preserved, so that we spread around in such apologies for the insurgency, that they awarded the prize of non-violence movement that has burned 60% of the Egyptian police. What a happy surprise of suddenly discovering that the major news channels are in the hands of friends of the people!
But here it is: if the insurgents on the other side of the Mediterranean say "Before, we were undead. Now we are awake" , this in turn means that we who do insurgeons we not, we're undead, we sleep. If they say "Before, we lived like animals, we live in fear. Now we have regained confidence in us, our strength, our intelligence" , this means that we live like animals, we who are so obviously governed by our fears.
Those who paint colors today the most dismal the ruthless dictatorship of the atrocious Ben Ali did not they were yesterday still so common? Therefore they are lying today, as they lied yesterday. The harm Michele Alliot-Marie is also there: have unveiled a few sentences to the National Assembly that behind many essays of schoolchildren on the difference between their dictatorships and our democracies lies the continuity of police plans; how some are certainly more experienced and less coarse than the others.
can detail ad nauseam the brutality of the repression under Ben Ali. The fact remains that the cons-insurgency doctrine - the art crush insurgency - are now the official doctrine of Western armies, whether they apply in the suburbs or inner cities, Afghanistan or Place Bellecour in Lyon. The weekly series of small lies and tricks miserable M me Alliot-Marie could not erase the real scandal: have covered "security situation" a revolutionary situation. If we were not busy weaving wreaths of jasmine lotus revolts Maghreb, perhaps we would not have forgotten that Ben Ali, four days before disappearing into the dustbin of history, spoke of the riots as Sidi Bouzid of "inexcusable terrorist acts perpetrated by hooded thugs ". Or its successor believed appease the anger of the people as a first step by announcing the repeal of "all anti-democratic laws" , starting with the anti-terrorism laws.
If we refuse to take the miraculous chain of events which leads to the immolation of the leak Bouazizi Mohamed Ben Ali, is that we refuse to accept as normal, in contrast, has muted indifference everywhere encountered during these years the persecution of so many opponents. What we live, and some youth politicized past three years, there is certainly something. In the last three years, we count in France more than twenty comrades, all tendencies are thrown in jail, in most cases under the pretext of terrorism and for reasons trivial - possession of smoke, introduction of glue in ATMs, failed attempt to car fire, or blow up posters foot.
We came in January at the point where the magic of the alert on the file "anarcho-autonomous" led a young woman in jail - for a tag. This happens in France, not Russia, not Saudi Arabia, not in China.
Each month now, we learn a new comrade was taken in the street, which was respondent to such a friend, like many others, to become informer in exchange for impunity or wages or keep his professorship, that such knowledge has, in turn, plunged into the parallel dimension in which we live Now, with its dingy cells, small judges full of hatred back, bad faith and resentment, with his insomnia, his no-contact, his cops become intimate strength to watch. And the apathy that you win, the apathy of those who live "normally" and are surprised , apathy organized.
Because it is a European policy. The regular roundups of anarchists in Greece in recent times prove it. No regime can not renounce the judicial mill, when it comes to overcoming what he resists. Guilt is something that happens. As such, it is a matter investment, financial, personal. If you're willing to put non-standard ways, you may well transform a series of false records, false testimony and maneuvers of thugs in the prosecution case credible.
In the case known Tarnac, the recent reconstitution of sabotage overnight, so long sought by the defense, has given the best example. It was one of those moments when bursts of apotheosis, even in the smallest details, the character of judicial machinations of all truth. That day, Judge Fragola has artfully conceal anything that demonstrates the impossibility the police version. It suddenly became blind from the stubborn reality that contradicted his thesis. He even managed to put the drafters of the false minutes of spinning away the contradiction, by exempting them from being there. And this was in fact superfluous, since all these people had been transported to the scene a week ago, privately and quietly.
In truth, it took infringing reconstruction is sufficient to show that the record itself was counterfeit. That is probably why he took shelter from view by closing the box with walls supported brigades of gendarmes dog, helicopters and dozens of gross under-steering terrorism.
To date, it will cost several million euros to transform education in well-crafted fantasies of cops. It does not matter to whom, finally, we impute the acts that were the pretext for our arrest. As for us, we complain already that the court will have to impersonate the terrorism poses some innocent hooks, now that block the flow has become the means of elementary action a mass movement against the reform pensions.
chilly silence of European governments on events in Tunisia and Egypt said enough anxiety that grips. The power is therefore to so few. A plane takes off and that's all that forfeiture of a building falling apart. The prison doors open. The police vanished. It honors what yesterday was despised, and what was the object of all the honors is now all about sarcasm. All power is sitting on the gulf. What appears to us, as dementia is safe that police pragmatism, anti-terrorism rationale.
From the perspective of the manager security situations, the public was never shaken, and Ben Ali would still quietly President, if we had managed to neutralize some time Mohamed Bouazizi.
This is clearly in the suburbs as in revolts, hunting Bouazizi, the potential perpetrators of insurgency that is launched, and it's a race against time, for in Ben Ali to Sarkozy, who rules by fear is exposed to the fury.
Mr. President, there are ranches for sale in Texas, you and your plane is waiting on the runway at Villacoublay.
Aria, Benjamin, Bertrand, Chris, Elsa, Gabrielle Julien Manon, Matthew and Yildune ,
are the ten people indicted in the case known as "Tarnac"
are the ten people indicted in the case known as "Tarnac"
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