last updated on 20/02/11

two journos ( Isabelle Monnin and Olivier Tosca) Nouvel Observateur breed of police elements (with pictures!).
From site February 18, 2011.
Two PVC tubes, recovered from the Marne, about twenty miles from where a line had been sabotaged the TGV on the night of 7 to 8 November 2008 Two and a half years after the start of the investigation into the sabotage of the lines railway police sub-direction anti-terrorist (SDAT) finally take a track material that involves all the main suspects of the case, the ultra-left militant group Tarnac. What saved until the last minute instruction improperly entered. According to information, two tubes, each two meters long and five centimeters in diameter, were found in February 2010 at the bottom of the Marne by divers from the River Brigade. They were lying directly above the bridge of the Marne, trapped in rocks on the common Trilport (77), in the same place Coupat where Julien Levy and his girlfriend Yildune, followed by police, had made a drive to break 4:45 am, 25 minutes after leaving the TGV line Dhuisy (77), which will be found a hook saboteur.
asked about their stop on the towpath by the judge Thierry Fragnoli, the two young men were evasive. Coupat Julien said he had no memory while his companion explained that they had "maybe" stop there for a simple break-pee.
"It was good to follow remotely using a GPS "
analysis of pipes by forensic shows that they were interconnected by a sleeve covered with tape before being separated (the tape was cut with a cutter).
Investigators are now convinced that these plastic tubes were used as makeshift perch saboteurs to place a rebar hook on the overhead lines of the TGV line. "With Such traditional four-meter pole, one can, at ground level, achieving the catenary without risk of electrocution, said a police official expert on the ultra-left. It is a method developed some years ago by the anarcho-autonomous to paralyze German convoys of nuclear waste. "
Neither plastic tubing found in the Marne has not the slightest trace of DNA exploitable but investigators think they know when and where this equipment was purchased through the manufacturing codes on the remaining equipment. The only clues exploitable show that the tubes were sold in hardware stores in the Paris region in September or October 2008, a few weeks before the sabotage of TGV. In investigating the distribution system, the investigators found that two tubes of this series, and a sleeve to fit them were sold, at 14:20 the same day of sabotage by Bricorama Châtillon (92). The client, which could not be identified, paid in cash. But investigators know that Julian was in the neighborhood Coupat at that time.
Officers who spun the militant autonomous since he had left the residence of these parents in the late morning, have in fact lost track of him up to the door of Chatillon noon. "He was followed at a safe distance with a GPS tag placed on his old Mercedes, according to a source close to the investigation. At noon, the signal disappeared as happens when the target enters an underground parking. And indeed, the Bricorama Châtillon has one for its customers. " At 2:50 p.m., the beacon had been broadcasting. And the men of the SDAT were then able to resume their spinning.
What did Julien Levy Yildune Coupat and between noon and 2:50 p.m. to Chatillon? Asked about his schedule, the latter told the judge she had joined his friend to go lunch at the restaurant but she had forgotten exactly where.
"A Masquerade"
Investigators believe the couple took advantage of that hole in surveillance to shop at Bricorama before taking the road towards the Seine-et- Marne, turning around the railway lines for twelve hours to put a hook on the line at four o'clock in the morning. "It's a farce, Mr. Jérémie Assous protests, one of the lawyers Julien Coupat. This whole investigation is based on innuendo, not on evidence, Justice Anti-Terrorism up a new contrefeu to mask the emptiness of this folder ".
investigators, they persist. They are now wondering if the couple Coupat-Levy did not take advantage of the niche where they had foiled police surveillance Chatillon, also to retrieve the hook fashioned by craftsmen. One member of the first circle of Coupat lives because of this 450 meters Bricorama. The search of his home, made just after the sabotage, November 11, 2008, had According to our sources, nothing.
issued on 20/02/2011:
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