Released on 02/02/11
By The Lynx

After your fantasies Tarnac terrorists, after your offer of assistance to Ben Ali and his cops, after a total lack of evidence of events Egyptians, now you're making with your little husband fingers in the jar of jam Tunisia: luxury hotel (paid for by the taxpayer?) ( Minister said to have paid his vacation , Ed.), family holidays in Trabelsi, using the private jet of a friend of Ben Ali to 200 km. (See right +)
You, Minister of State! Are not you ashamed?
The overwhelming conclusion is that you and your little playmates, locked and overprotected you do you make even more aware of what you do! It seems normal to you rinse by dictators criminals living in their palaces robbed the people, you wallow in their now and their feasts?
What people think, you do nothing else to do. You and your friends Ministers, MPs, leaders of large companies and other players guilty of misconduct, embezzlement, forgery documents, you despise the opinion of the people. Jeopardizes your thugs are always accompanied by a suspension or dismissal. And your little chef closes his eyes sympathetically!
In any truly democratic country you would have been fired long ago!
Except here in our Sarkocratie ...
Conversely when a kid gets arrested after a theft or possession of Rohypnol stamp will be sentenced to jail. A merchant, artisan, ordinary citizens, they have seized and thrown to the street, they lose their homes, their family, they kill themselves, and you and your companion, you put your butt on that.
I understand better now why you were offered the expertise of our police as friend Ben Ali Trabelsi to help quell a revolution that disrupts your daily routines, your connivance, your corruption, your little arrangements, your little shenanigans ...
Few ministers have accumulated so much incompetence and contempt for the people
So if you gave off too! Eh!
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